Free eBooks
A collection of must-read articles, reviews, guides, and "How to..." tips and tricks in comprehensive eBooks to help you set up a recording studio, nail mix translation, and other nifty techniques.

Best PRO Studio Headphones: Top 28 for 2025
A comprehensive review of the best pro studio headphones in 2025, featuring both new releases and trusted legends.

Best PRO Studio Headphones: Top 30 for 2024
This will help you find the best headphones for your task and budget in a simple, straightforward manner.

Immersive Audio
This ebook will demystify the technical and creative aspects of producing and listening to immersive music.
Try Out SoundID Reference 21-day free
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→ A quick and guided setup.
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Reference is available for Mac and Windows. Enter your email to get a download link.

Mix Your Low End Like a Pro
The articles in this book cover the skills needed for creating accurate bass that transfers well to a wide range of listening situations, from headphones to car stereos to PA systems.

Everything Equalizers Part 1
This eBook covers the fundamentals of equalizers, the nuts and bolts of their functions, types of EQs and their applications and EQs in action.

Everything Equalizers Part 2
This eBooks covers how to put equalizers to best use. Learn how to produce a solid low-frequency foundation for mixes and how to create powerful and natural drum sounds.

Crafting Your Drum Sound
This eBook covers the production aspects of drum track production from sampling beats to adding ambience to live drum tracks. Practical tips and cheat sheets included!

Get the Most from Mixing on Headphones
Tools, tactics and techniques to create great mixes on headphones.

Improve Your Listening Experience
Tips and Tricks around investing in yourself and your listening experience.

Digital Audio Demystified
Learn how to record the highest quality digital audio in your DAW, so your music can sound its absolute best.

Mixing With Confidence
Master compression, reverb and de-harshing your mixes to make sure they translate across systems.

Delivering Great Mixes
Creating the right mindset to deliver Pro mixes with the right tools and techniques.

Headphones Buying Guide 2021
In this guide you will find our top recommendations for PRO studio headphones to chose for tracking, production, mixing, and mastering on the go. Now nothing will stop you from making Grammy-worthy tunes!